Store And Retrieve Session Data Script

Store And Retrieve Session Data Script is use to store a data or any information to session and get data again to broswer.

Demo :

Stor Session Data Array :

Example :

Just fill to Store Session Data Array field like this red , blue , green now will be stored data to session and again click to print session buttion.The output will be display on broswer like this The Session are red and blue and green.

Code :

Following code is use to Store And Retrieve Session Data Script if you need to copy and use to your website.

  $_SESSION['session_type'] = "color";
  $_SESSION['session_colors'] = array("red", "blue", "green");

    echo "You would like a " . $_SESSION['type'] . " in " .implode(" and ", $_SESSION['colors']);

session_start() function is use to start the session to current file.once in the session has been initialized after you can to add data to session variable.session type has been stored on $_SESSION['session_type'] variable and session data has been stored on $_SESSION['session_colors'] variable.

Free Download Script :

If you need to Store And Retrieve Session Data Script click and download from following link.


