First Letter Capital Script

The Roman alphabet A, B, C, D, etc.. is called the capital letter or caps. which is also ask Upper case, upper-case, or uppercase.

Demo :

First Letter Capital Script is used to convert all capitalizes the first character of a can try this demo here.

Type Text

Example :

php powerful language.

If you need to convert all capitalizes the first character of a string following code useful to you.

  $FirstLetterCaps = "php powerful language";
  $result = ucfirst($FirstLetterCaps);
  echo $result;

In the above code is used to convert capitalizes the first character of a string. The 'php powerful language' this string stored in $FirstLetterCaps variable.Then ucfirst() function is convert "php powerful language" letter to "Php powerful language" letter.

<form id="first_letter_caps" name="first_letter_caps" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return validate()">
<input type="text" id="first_letter_caps" name="first_letter_caps"/>
<input type="submit" value="Convert"/>

In the above form is used to convert capitalizes the first character of a string.when click in the Convert button form will pass the string through POST method and the string will be convert to capitalizes the first character of a string using the ucfirst() predefined function.

Free Download Script :

If you need First Letter Capital Script click and download from following link.

