Reverse String

Reverse String Script can convert all capital or small letter to reverse order.

Demo :

Type Text

Example :

Ask your questions like : PHP String Reverse.

If you need to convert String to Reverse String following code useful to you.

  $stringRev = "PHP String Reverse";
  $result = strrev($stringRev);
  echo $result;

In the above code is used to convert string to reverse letter. The 'PHP String Reverse' this string stored in $stringRev variable.Then strrev() function is convert "PHP String Reverse" letter to "esreveR gnirtS PHP" letter.

<form id="strrevers" name="strrevers" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return validate()">
<input type="text" id="revers_order" name="revers_order"/>
<input type="submit" value="Convert"/>

In the above form is used to convert string to reverse order.when click Convert button in the form will pass the string through POST method. The string will be convert to reverse order using the strrev() predefined function.

Free Download Script :

If you need to Reverse String Script click and download from following link.

