Html div Tag

In the html <div> tag is used to specify a division of your html page and which tag you can use to inside of many div. Which tag you can format through css and also HTML elements you can group with large sections. The <div> tag is used to block level this tag supported in all main browser.


<div> ... </div>

Example Code

<div> PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a web development dynamic web scripting programing language which can embedded into the HTML and interacts with databases. </div>
<div> html is a Hyper Text Markup Language version 5 . Which is using to structuring and presenting content for the internet or world wide web. </div>

Out Put:

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a web development dynamic web scripting programing language which can embedded into the HTML and interacts with databases.
html is a Hyper Text Markup Language version 5 . Which is using to structuring and presenting content for the internet or world wide web.

In the above example <div> tag has been added to "What is PHP ?" and " what is HTML ?" for content. In the first paragraph is a What is php content and second paragraph is what is HTML content.
