Html Span Tag

In the html <span> tag is used to group inline content at html page and it will not automatically visual change and you can manage to format from css. In the main difference between the <span> tag and <div> tag, in the <span> tag is group content and <div> tag is block level content. Which tag also can add to part of text or part of a html page.

In the html <span> tag attributes are classname, style_definition, language_code,id and xml:lang language_code.



Example Code

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a web development dynamic web scripting programing language which can embedded into the HTML and interacts with databases.

Out Put:

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a web development dynamic web scripting programing language which can embedded into the HTML and interacts with databases.

In the above example <span> tag has been added to "What is php content ?".
