Html 5 div tag

In the HTML 5 <div> tag is used to identify a division of your html page. Which tag you can format through css and also HTML elements you can group with large sections. The <div> tag is used to block level elements.


<div> ... </div>

Example Code

<div> PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a web development dynamic web scripting programing language which can embedded into the HTML and interacts with databases. </div>
<div> HTML5 is a Hyper Text Markup Language version 5 . Which is using to structuring and presenting content for the internet or world wide web. </div>

Out Put:

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a web development dynamic web scripting programing language which can embedded into the HTML and interacts with databases.
HTML5 is a Hyper Text Markup Language version 5 . Which is using to structuring and presenting content for the internet or world wide web.

In the above example <div> tag has been added to "What is PHP ?" and " what is HTML ?" for content. In the first paragraph is a What is php content and second paragraph is what is HTML content.
