Write To File Script

Write To File Script is use to user can create manual file and it download to use .which is support txt,rtf,docx,doc and xlsx file formats only.

Demo :

Text   File Name :
 File Type


Example :

Just type content at text box and give file name at File Name box and select file type at drop down box then click write button and you will get file at below of demo form.

Code :

Following code is use to write to file if you need to copy and use to your website.

  $file_name = "text_file.txt";
  $content = "This a Text File";

In the above $file_name variable is used to assign a file name and $content variable is used to assign the text or content and file_put_contents() function is used to write the content to a file. which function have in four arguments that is string filename,mixed data [,int flags [,resource context]]. The "upload_files/write-content-to-file-demo/" is this path used to store at all files.

Free Download Script :

If you need Write To File Script click and download from following link.

