Replace string script

Replace String Script is used to replace the word or sentance at Paragraph.

Demo :

Text  Replace Text 
 Replace Position 

Example :

Type Text : PHP replace string.

Type Replace Text : word

Replace Position : 12

If you need to replace multiple words or single word following code useful to you.

  $originalString = "PHP replace string";
  $replaceString = "word";
  $result = substr_replace($originalString,$replaceString,12);
  echo $result;

In the above code is used to replace the word instead of string. The 'PHP replace string' this string stored in $originalString variable and word string stored in $replaceString.Then substr_replace() function is replace in the 'PHP replace string' sentance. which function have three arguments that name string str,string repl,int start,[int length].

Free Download Script :

If you need to Replace String Script click and download from following link.

